Every attribute in the data set should be normalized, whereby each value is divided by the difference between the high value and the low value in the data set for that attribute. 数据集内的每个属性都应该是规格化的,因此,每个值均除以该属性在数据集内的最高值与最低值间的差值。
Basic scale topographic map is bases on one of million international map subdivision and divided by Longitude difference and Latitude difference. 我国基本比例尺地形图是以国际百万分之一地图分幅为基础,按一定的经差和纬差划分图幅。
Thie relationship between divided difference and derivative of a function can be generalized for two functions which the knots are distinct or the knots are coincident. 在结点互异或结点重合时,将函数差商与其导数之间的关系式推广为关于两个函数的情形。
An integer that can be divided without remainder into the difference between two other integers. 能被其它的两个整数之差整除的整数。三除二得不到整数商。
A recurrent formula for the divided difference expanded coefficients is derived. Based on this recurrent formula, a new algorithm for the calculation of the divided difference expanded coefficients is given. 推导出了差商展开系数的一个递推公式,基于该公式给出了计算差商展开系数的一个新算法。
Method According to extraction difficulty, 124 cases whose impacted mandibular third molar should be removed were divided into three groups. The difference of pain, edema and trismus was analysed statistically among three groups on the 2nd and 7th postoperative day respectively. 方法收集124例下颌阻生第三磨牙拔除术的病例,按手术难度分为三组,分别于术后第二日及第七日分析三者之间的疼痛、张口受限及肿胀差异。
It introduces the free and anti-free factor sequence, obtains an explicit formula for the divided difference with multiplicity knots, reveals the structure and provides some algorithms. 引进了自由因子序列与反自由因子序列,给出了一般有重差商的显式表达式,揭示了有重差商的内在结构,并给出了计算自由因子和有重差商的多种形式的快速算法。
Methods Among 480 patients who underwent esophagectomy with circular stapler, two groups were divided according to the difference of the treatment for the esophageal stump. 方法在我院接受食管贲门癌切除术并使用管状吻合器重建食管的480例患者根据术中食管残端处理方法的不同分为两组。
To solve cubic-Hermite interpolation functions, the method of divided difference at same node was used, and the result similar to Newton's interpolation function was obtained. 为了求三次埃尔米特插值函数,采用重节点差商的方法,得到了类似于牛顿插值的结果。
Presents a kind of test equipment on temperature and pressure based on DSP. Adopting a successive backward sectional Newton divided difference interpolation mathematics model proposed by author, this equipments make the test for temperature, pressure digitalization, high precision and visualization. 设计了一种基于DSP的温度、压力测试装置,采用提出的一种改进的向后逐次分段的牛顿均差插值法,实现了对温度、压力进行实时测试的数字化、高精度和直观化。
Methods: APP transgenic mice of same age and APP positive control ( divided in groups of difference by dosage) were selected to perform water maze and jump platform experiments. 方法:选用同龄转基因APP阳性动物(不同用药组)做水迷宫和跳台实验。
Two simple analytical methods of constructing continuous maps with certain specific periodic points, which may exhibit chaos in the sense of Li and Yorke, are presented using the Lagrange and Newton's divided difference interpolation polynomial formulas. 给出了具有周期点映射的Newton、Lagrange两种构造方法和Li-Yorke意义下的混沌映射的构造方法;
Each type can be divided into sub-series or son-series with the difference of study level. 每一类型都具有一定的层次,依研究程度的不同可以划分到亚系列和(或)子系列。
The explicit formula of general divided difference with multiplicity knots 一般有重差商的显式公式
Principle of step motor divided drive and principle of difference frequency subdivision inductosyn system are introduced in this paper. And the build up and work principle of the inductosyn closed loop control variable step step servo system are also introduced. 本文介绍了步进电机细分驱动原理和感应同步器差频细分测量原理,并在此基础上介绍了感应同步器闭环变步距步进伺服系统的构成及工作原理。
The constructive formula by divided difference on general Hermite interpolating polynomial 适用于一般提法的埃尔米特插值多项式的差商构造公式
Multiscale decomposition of divided difference operators and nonstationary subdivision schemes of B-spline series 差商算子的多尺度分解与B样条级数的非均匀细分算法
A Recurrent Formula and Algorithm for the Divided Difference Expanded Coefficients 差商展开系数的递推公式和算法
Expansion of a divided difference is a very important analytical tool. 差商展开是个非常重要的解析工具。
Evaluation relevant to the partial derivatives of the multivariable functions is often done in scientific computation, usually by means of the symbolic differentiation or the divided difference. 科学计算及其应用常常需要多变量函数的有关偏导数问题的计算,通常使用的计算方法是符号微分或差分近似。
Double sample test was done with Independent Samples T Test to test whether there would be significant total divided difference between two independent samples; 用独立样本t检验,检验两个独立样本总体均数是否有显著差异;
In 24 days, vascular bridge formed, which further divided and gave difference to form vascular tissue, then to cause success of grafting. 接后24d,维管束桥形成,并进一步分裂分化产生输导组织,实现嫁接体的完全愈合。
This algorithm mainly includes: the seeking of image preprocessing, moving target detection, calculating velocity, etc. The segmentation methods can be divided into background subtraction, inter-frame difference and optical flow method and so on. 这种算法的实现主要包括:图像预处理、运动目标的检测、运动速度的求取等。运动目标检测常用方法可以分为背景相减法、帧间差分法和光流法等。
The traditional trade theory, based on the final product which is not able to be divided, failed to explain the difference between the two countries in the position of Industrial division as well as the trade imbalance accordingly. 但遗憾的是,传统的贸易理论都以产品作为最终标的,以产品的不可再分为暗含前提,不能很好地解释中美两国的不同分工地位和由此产生的贸易结构性失衡。
And the heat transmission model is computed with FEM. Then the paper analyzed rules of difference in temperature. Different in temperature is divided into transverse temperature difference and lengthways difference, and corresponding formulas are respectively presented. 并在此基础上,进行了导热问题的有限元分析,得到了温差分布规律,将计算温差分解为横向温差(几、兀)和纵向温差几,并建立了相应的温差计算公式。
This chapter is divided into residential price difference macroeconomic theory and microeconomic theory of characteristics theory. 本章将住宅价格差异理论分为宏观经济理论和微观特征理论。
According to the law the content and difference condition, classification, is mainly divided into two parts: "no difference" and "differences". "Differences" is divided into two parts "can compared" and "no comparison". 笔者根据两国法律规定的内容和差异状况,进行分类,主要分为无差异和有差异两个部分,而有差异又分为两个部分:能比较和无法比较。
The fourth chapter is the comparative research that is divided into seven parts discussing the difference in verbs, nouns, articles, pronouns, prepositions, adjectives and adverbs and other usages. 第四章对比研究英美两种变体之间语法上的异同点,共分七部分,分别从动词,名词,冠词,代词,介词以及形容词和副词等方面来展现英美之间的语法差异。
The joint offense itself has the complexity, the accomplice and the status question, the joint offense and the status particularity unifies in together, the theorists have wide divided opinions to it, the difference is also disparate in various countries 'legislation. 共同犯罪本身具有复杂性,共犯与身份的问题,把共同犯罪与身份的特殊性结合在一起,理论界对它众说纷纭,在各国的立法上也差别悬殊。